Jude Landry Store

Friday, April 29, 2011

A fleeting thought

At whatever time it was that I was rocking and feeding Charlotte in the pitch-black, (I never look at the time, for it only aggravates me to know), I thought, Aw - I bet Wills and Kate are getting married soon. Maybe I should stay awake and watch it... (If you're fancy, you call him Wills.)

Then I chuckled to myself and thought, Nah. And the thought left as quickly as it came.

And now after seeing the historic kiss (two actually) on live tv (thanks to Jude's, "Hey - the Royal Wedding is on,"), and all of the highlights from the stuff I did miss - I realize I made the right choice.

May they live happily ever after.

Now, for a not-so-fleeting thought. My prayers are with those that were affected by the devastation of the recent tornadoes. And thanks to all of you who have been concerned for our family here in Starkville. We have had no damage and feel very blessed to have been spared during this time. But we pray for the lives that have been lost,

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

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