Jude Landry Store

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life with two

Well, we survived the first 6 weeks! Some of that has been a blur to us, but now things are starting to settle down and we're all getting into a nice little groove. Charlotte Clare was a typical newborn for the first 3 weeks but by the end of the 3rd week she developed severe baby acne - this is why you won't find many photos of her from week 3-5... As that started to clear up, colic decided to join the party. She was unconsolable for a good 2 weeks. But a few days ago, she started to finally be awake and content at the same time. She's also started sleeping 5-6 hours at a time during the night thanks to the Miracle Blanket that my friend Maria sent us. I can't believe we waited so long to try it out!

Jude had to go back to work and fortunately getting 2 girls out of the house hasn't been that hard. It'd be much more of a challenge without our double stroller and our baby wearing Moby Wrap. We still take frequent trips to the park, the library, and the store. We also took a trip to Louisiana for an Oil Leak Poster Exhibit that featured two of Jude's posters and we just learned that he's been accepted to teach in Italy next summer for 5 weeks! Stay tuned for more info on that and on Charlotte's upcoming baptism in October.

I'll let the videos and photos do the rest of the talking, now...

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