Jude Landry Store

Monday, January 31, 2011

Meet Jill.

She's pretty funny. As you can see.

She calls me Alisha Pie, or Pie for short. I like that.
And I like her a lot, too. She was one of my roommates in college (shout-out to Sara, too!) and a bridesmaid in my wedding. 

You probably have a friend like her. You know - one that you can call up after it's been way too long and talk like you saw them yesterday. One that you can borrow clothes from. One that people ask, "Are y'all sisters?" whenever you're out. One that you can pray with, have long talks with, and cry with. One that fasts with you for forty days (long story) and then at midnight on the last night you binge eat with. What? You don't have anyone in your life that you did that with? Oh. 

Well, Jill (I really like to call her Jeej, but she doesn't like that), this little tribute is not just to tell people about your new Etsy store online right here (that's right, go check it out everyone!), it's to tell people about how awesome you are and how blessed I am to have spent such a pivotal time in my life with you. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself and for letting me learn from you!

So, Jill, for all the trips to Salvation Army, 
all the Papa John's bacon pizzas we shared, 
all the space you gave me in the pew at Common Ground, 
all the nights I was actually in bed by 9pm, 
all the "What happened to Y2K?" buttons we made,
all the trips to Monroe,
all the 25¢ cones from Sonic,
all the times we watched The Wedding Singer, 
all the chocolate milks we consumed,
all the times we listened to Shane&Shane or Jolly Napier,
Thank You!

But seriously people, go check out her store because she makes amazing stuff!

And if you find them, I want those shorts back...


Mandi @ Living the Good Life said...

aw I miss my friend like Jill...

CUTE necklaces! LOVE!

Kaitlin @ More Like Mary said...

She is super talented! Very cute stuff!

Jill said...

Alisha! You are so sweet! Your post made me tear up a little and made me miss you a lot!

Don't forget

-running from someone chasing us in the quad

-letting you sleep in the cubical

-listening to you while you were trying to figure out if Jude was the one for you. (side note - He was)

And i thank you for....

-letting me sleep in your room when someone tried to open the door in my bedroom at the rat house

-introducing me to the tv show "the practice."

-making monkey bread for us

-bringing me to the catholic center
so i could get a slushie

-praying with me

-eating with me at the Caf (i never liked when you called it that)

-being a beautiful friend!

(ha! you bought not one but 2 bags of M & M's and were just waiting for 12;00 am to come around so we could break our fast)

p.s we are laughing so hard in that picture. What was so funny?

Seriously, what happen to Y2k? did the computers crash?

Jude and Alisha said...

- running from someone in the quad? what? i don't remember that at all!
- i still can't believe sara disassembled the dorm beds to fit in that cubicle!
- that rat house was crazy! remember when David came over to cut the trap from the carpet and the rat kept screeching?
- 3 seasons of the practice are on hulu right now!
- all starkville has is slushies - no icees anywhere in town - isn't that insane!!
-I love calling it the Caf. It's so dope.
- oh and remember when you spilled the milk and wiped it up with just a paper towel... i can't take it! i can't take it!
- but yeah, I don't know about Y2K. I'll ask Jude. I hear he's good with computers. Isn't that what graphic design is anyways...?

Veronica said...

OMG, look at the pictures! The first is beautiful, and the second is hilarious.

And if you get those shorts back, I want to see you wear them. LOL.

Thanks for the comments on the blog. It's really encouraging. I'm still trying to decide about the vegetarianism thing though, lol.