Jude Landry Store

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

I know what you're thinking - two posts in one day?! Well, I'm just trying to make up for staying in my PJs all day for 3 straight days and letting Joan watch so many movies that I'm ashamed to admit. I got a cold that kind of wiped me out and two small cases of mastitis that thankfully cleared up on its own. I guess three weekends in a row with really big events finally took its toll on Those Landrys.

By Thursday I was feeling well enough to bring the girls to a pumpkin patch with their friends from the library and park. (Thanks Laura and Mandi for taking photos for me - I promise we'll get a camera eventually...)

Joan ate it up - though not literally. She'll probably never try pumpkin anything! We went on a hay-ride, played in a huge box of corn, rode miniature tractors, and went through a rather scary maze of haystacks (who puts a plywood roof over a maze intended for 2-7 year olds? It was pitch black in there.). After eating our packed lunch, Joan picked out pumpkins for our family - I'm not sure why mine was the biggest...

On Friday we took Joan to State because they were having a family frenzy event with a band and fun jumps - Joan can tear up some fun jumps, even though she's a toothpick. And on Saturday we tailgated and took both girls in with us to the football game. It was the best game to take Joan to because we were playing the Dragons and their mascot intrigued Joan for 3 quarters (so did a box of Skittles). And they had "princesses" and "queens" at halftime for the homecoming festivities. It wasn't Disney Princesses on Ice, but it was close.

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