Jude Landry Store

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sew stitchin' awesome!

Cheesy title? Don't care - my new sewing space is pretty amazing and no horribly cliche arrangement of words will ever take that away.

Here's what it was before: Jude's Man Cave aka 'We-don't-have-enough-room-for-your-clothes-and-books-in-our-room-so-you-can-have-the-hallway-instead'. But then I needed that, too... So we dispersed his belongings into the living room and I managed to scrounge up a small corner for him in our room, too.

And voila! 

Enough room for a high cutting table and plenty of sewing & pinning workspace across the two other tables.

Jude hasn't completely been cleared away from the area, as his beautiful art work hangs above while I work. His Paul Bunyon has always been one of my favorites.

And while the Makers Gonna Make print is perfect for this space, it's only temporary - a promise of custom art work with my "Making Things Makes Life Better" will be made! It's just not ready, yet. And a hanger instead of a frame - Cheap? or Appropriate? Both.

I'm probably a little late to the whole embroidery hoop decor party, but these in an actual sewing room seem to make the most sense. Wouldn't you agree? Plus they're like 5¢.

And I'm not sure why it took me forever to buy one of those spool holders - they're a freaking life saver. 

We made this extra long table by bridging two shorter (and cheaper) table tops together from IKEA. The legs can be screwed in over the gap, so this thing is pretty sturdy and you save on having to buy 8 legs and all that extra clutter underneath.

But one of the best parts is probably the hallway closet. Instead of my fabric pieces being scattered across two bedroom closets and two under-the-bed storage bins (how does Jude put up with it?), it now solely resides in this one, organized closet. Ah.

Need to transform your space fairly inexpensively?
1 (higher) table top w/
4 adjustable legs
2 table tops (seriously, they're $5.99) w/
6 regular legs


Kaitlin @ More Like Mary said...

No-the title is awesome. The hanger is even more awesome. And the hoops are the perfect addition. Can't wait to see what sort of creations come from this room!

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

I luvy love mcluverson this! Oh man. Gorgeous. And a tall cutting table, too? Sweet sassy molassy!