Jude Landry Store

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Charlotte's Birthday Photos!

Yesterday was Charlotte's 2nd birthday and we celebrated this terribly hot summer with a popsicle themed party (nevermind that I forgot to give the guests actual popsicles from my freezer...).

the birthday girl and her accomplice 
testing out the party equipment beforehand.

It's only a popsicle party if everything's on a stick.
pretzels & marshmallows

 frozen bananas

 watermelon. obviously.

brownies meant to look like popsicles (pinterest fail)

Carmen did a great job taking these photos!

*Special thanks to those who sponsored Charlotte's party: The Whatley's, The Rodger's, & The Sander's* (If you don't have friends with bouncy houses and pools that will lend them to you whenever you want, you need new friends.)

I couldn't resist giving you this little comparison. That pool holds more than just water. Sweet memories, indeed.

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