carley from Alisha Landry on Vimeo.
If I had my act together, this would've been added to this post.
Same video. Experiment, remember?
Charlotte's actually been in pre-school two mornings a week since August, but since she's the middle child, you're just now finding out about it. Oh, and at their school, they ride bikes in the hallway when they read lots of books. Makes sense.
Simon has two teeth and loves to bite. I'm super sore. We'll leave it at that.
The girls playing Mass. Translation (I think):
We be honored to love bath him.
We be kind to be the book.
No, turn it to the other side.
We be honored to come to tear.
You may close the book.
You may bring the book.
We be honored to [?]
We be honored to [?]
We be honored to have a cup and stuff.
You may close the book.