Hey everyone, I'm hoping to win an online shirt contest at Threadless.com. If I receive a high score through voting, my shirt will be printed and sold on their website and I'll also receive $2000 cash and $500 to shop in their online store. Please follow the link above, create a free account, and vote 5 for my design and click that you'd like to see it printed on a shirt and as a print!
This post is a little late, but we wanted to share photos of our vacation to Pensacola and to the Birmingham zoo. We had a great time in FL. We stayed in a 3 bedroom condo with another family from our college days, The St. Cyr's. It was so much fun and Joan loved the beach - I think it was her first time. We didn't get many photos at the zoo, but the ones we have are from the butterfly garden. Also in the photos are snapshots from Memorial Day and Joan's 2 year old portraits. Jude took the photos himself, edited them, and printed them out on high quality photo paper - they came out looking so professional. (The one's included in this slideshow aren't edited, though).
Also going on in May was Joan's transition into a big girl bed. We moved her into a new room with a twin bed and box spring on the floor and things went better than I could have imagined! She has trouble falling asleep for nap sometimes, but other than that, things were so easy. We'll have pictures of her new room soon - a few pieces of art need to go up and then we'll be ready. We also decided to start using cloth diapers. She's been completely in cloth for almost a week now and so far so good. I'm starting to get a nice little washing schedule down to every two days. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be!
Our house in Bloomington finally has a renter, so Jude and I are officially landlords! I never imagined being a landlord, but we're just trusting that this was God's plan for our house and maybe in the near future we can put it back on the market and actually sell it for a profit. Either way, we're just so relieved to have some income coming from that house! Jude's summer school class is going well and Joan and I are trying to enjoy trips to the park as much as we can, despite my huge pregnant self and the extreme Mississippi heat. We're looking forward to meeting this new little baby girl... it's not that far away! Oh and one last thing. We're in the processes of creating a Landry Family Store online to sell some of Jude's designs so keep an eye out for that. We'll probably post a link from our sidebar that'll bring you to a new website where you can purchase some goodies. We'll let you know when that's up and running.
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