Jude Landry Store

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Anything and Everything

Whoa. I just spent the last 2.5 hours sifting through and uploading videos and photos from the last 2 months. It feels good to finally be caught up! The latest Landry news, which most of you already know, is that we're pregnant again! We're due July 23rd and in a few weeks I should find out what we're having. Our house in Bloomington is having a hard time still - we haven't found any renters so we're putting it back on the market for sale or for rent. Please continue to keep that in your prayers! We were planning on going to Disney World with Jude's entire extended family next week, but unfortunately Jude couldn't get off so we'll be going during his spring break in March. Even though we'll miss being with everyone and sharing Joan's excitement with them, we're so grateful to still be going later.

Well, here is the barrage of photos and videos. I suggest you pace yourself...

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Joan's Baby...

A Mississippi Snow Day

Mother Mary is a Saint's Fan

Joan Sliding

Goodbye Highchair

Counting Beans

Chef Joan

Playdough Fun